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The POS hardware industry in restaurant franchising is lucrative. Franchisee have to spend $2,000 - $6,000 yearly on service contracts.

That might come to an end -- when the guests show up with their own built in POS devices, their iPhones.

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There's no question that experienced workers in their trade want the ability to run their own business and take their skills in a new direction. Being able to run your own business means you're in charge of what direction your company goes in and you get to make all the calls.

Who gets hired, what equipment is used, where you're located: it's all up to you. You get to set your own hours and go at your own pace, meaning everything is up to you, which is both a blessing and a burden.

You have full responsibility over whether your company succeeds or fails, meaning you have to put quite a bit of work into your company if you want to be successful in the long run, you need to mange every aspect of your business in such a way that you can truly be successful. This involves making sure your finances are completely in order all of the time.

That's where financial services come into play, but getting these services and being able to afford them can be another matter entirely. All businesses need bookkeeping and accounting to keep track of their finances and allocate any and all funds you have accordingly.

However, hiring these services is a full salary's worth that you may not be able to afford. Many business owners will try for the alternative of doing their own books, only to find that a full-time job along with something as demanding as running a business will hurt your business more than help it.

Companies need a way to get their financial services handled without issues, but how can they do so effectively?

Why you should Outsource your Bookkeeping

There are countless reasons to seek out the alternative of hiring an outsourced bookkeeping business, mainly through the benefits of getting financial services taken care of for you without you overspending.

1. Remote bookkeeping is also extremely convenient for you because you don't have to deal with the clutter of paperwork or having all of your information scattered about; everything is organized and managed for you to easily access. The team of outsourced bookkeepers handles all of your information, completes financial services for you, and places the resultant data on a secure, remote server.

That server is very easily accessible for the business owner, as they get choice of how secure they want access to their data to be. They can restrict access to a work computer, or get access via their smart phone, tablet, laptop, or even give other employees access pending a password or other form of security.

However you choose to secure access to the data, you still get 24/7 access to all of your data, organized and very convenient to access. There are countless other reasons why you should outsource your bookkeeping, like the variety of services offered to you.

You don't have to worry about paying for bookkeeping, accounting, and payroll workers; instead, you can choose get all of the services your business needs from remote bookkeeping. Outsourced bookkeeping offers you a huge variety of services, from getting your bills paid for you and getting financial reports sent to you to CPA services, bankruptcy services, payroll services, and reconciliations completed.

Everything and anything your business needs financially can be done, so you can just pick your services and how you want to access the data and the rest is done by the remote bookkeeping company.

2. Behind the Scenes with Outsourcing your Bookkeeping

Outsourced bookkeeping businesses make sure that their hires are as efficient and competent as possible to ensure that your precious financial data is handled accordingly. Potential hires that are considered must have some previous experience in the field, whether they've done some bookkeeping or accounting for a business, and must have a fairly clean record.

All potential employees are vetted and undergo a background check for any discrepancies, and they all go through multiple interviews before being hired. To fully ensure the security of your data and let employees know how serious their job is, all new hires sign a three-page non-disclosure policy stating that they will be held accountable for anything that goes wrong as far as them handling your data.

Whether they're new hires or experienced workers, all employees work together on tasks for clients to make the process much faster and more efficient. Plus, the server they use is highly secure and has countermeasures designed to keep your information safe no matter what happens.

Of course, remote bookkeeping companies work to make sure their servers are as efficient and airtight as possible, following state cyber security laws. Still, it doesn't hurt to have a backup like a cyber insurance policy or an offsite backup of your data just in case anything goes wrong.

There are many reasons why you should outsource your bookkeeping, but many business owners worry about security of their vital data in the hands of a server or in the hands of employees. However, remote bookkeeping businesses strive to cover every potential issue, building a secure server with countermeasures as well as only hiring the best possible workers.

3. Financial Reasons as to why you should Outsource your Bookkeeping

There are countless reasons why you should outsource your bookkeeping, but it always boils down to how much money it costs versus what you have. It doesn't matter how great a service is; if you cannot afford the service then you cannot hire them.

However, it's a surprise to find out that not only is remote bookkeeping inexpensive, but it means you save tens of thousands of dollars versus your alternatives!

Hiring in house bookkeepers or accountants means a salary of at least $35,000 annually with some in the $50,000 range, meaning you're paying almost six figures to get these services.

However, remote bookkeeping will not cost more than $20,000 a year, and that's every possible service offered by the outsourced bookkeeping business. Just bookkeeping costs $300 a month or $3,600 a year, ten times less than what in-house bookkeepers charge!

It's very easy to see why you should outsource your bookkeeping, as you get all of the advantages of a good service with no downsides and at an affordable rate. To learn more about why you should outsource your bookkeeping through companies like Remote Quality Bookkeeping™ of Massachusetts, click here.

The post Three Reasons why you should Outsource your Bookkeeping appeared first on Cloud Bookkeeping Services|Remote Quality Bookkeeping.

The bottom line for any company is the money: after all, you're in the business to make as much money as possible, and your company can't keep running if you're not at least breaking even. Businesses deal with quite a few different expenses, from paying for their employees to owning a building to acquiring equipment and stock and paying any other taxes and such that are necessary.

It's tough to make enough of a profit to cover all of your expenses, and you want to be able to make enough of a profit to put money into improving your business as well. Equipment needs to be upgraded, more employees need to be hired while others need a raise, stock needs to be increased and improved, and more, but that all requires money as well.

Your business is dealing with finances on a daily basis, spending or earning, paying off bills or receiving checks or determining what to spend when, and that's why financial services are so important for a business. With the right services, business owners can easily get all of their financial information organized and determine how to spend money appropriately at any given time.

With these services, you will know at any given time how much money your business currently has, and you can easily see all of the different trends of spending and earning your business goes through as well. All of that data is used to help you determine when your business should be spending and when it should be cutting back, as well as helping your company make the right decisions in the long run.

Affordable Bookkeeping

Running a business can be incredibly challenging, and having the best possible financial services to help you can be extremely beneficial; however, paying for these services can be another matter entirely, especially considering the implications of spending all of that money on those services.

You already have so many different expenses, and paying full salaries for financial services can be tough to deal with, especially when your business is still fairly new. Bookkeeping involves keeping track of all of your business's finances, which is a very complex and involved task, and affording your bookkeeping can be difficult enough.

Along with accounting, affording your bookkeeping can be incredibly challenging to deal with when it comes to your business's finances. Accounting takes all of that bookkeeping data and uses it to help you make the right decisions for your business financially, helping you spend all of your money on the necessaries in your business along with determining where you can allocate any of your remaining funds.

Accounting can help you determine whether you should be cutting back and budgeting or you can spend more money on improving your business, but you can't get accounting without good bookkeeping. If you are having trouble affording your bookkeeping, you may think a better alternative arises through doing your own bookkeeping, but it's not very viable.

Many business owners believe they have no choice and end up doing their own bookkeeping while running their business, only to run into problems by focusing too much on one task or another. Falling behind on bookkeeping can be bad enough as your business needs that data to be financially efficient, but what if you aren't focused enough on running your business.

You need to be at the helm of your business taking it in the direction you want, and you can't do that while you're simultaneously running a business. You need a better way to go about affording your bookkeeping for your business.

What Remote Bookkeeping does for You

Outsourcing your bookkeeping can be considered one of the best choices for a business, as you can get the financial services your company needs at a reasonable rate and there are countless other benefits to remote bookkeeping as well. Outsourced bookkeeping services means you're affording your bookkeeping and not having to worry about any other issues financially.

Outsourced bookkeeping is simple: you get your pick of financial services, bookkeeping and more, and the remote bookkeeping business completes everything for you remotely and electronically. All of your data is easy to access and extremely secure on high speed, well-running servers used by the outsourced bookkeeping business.

The server used is very safe, following cyber security laws to the letter and using resources like cloud to store and transfer data effectively. There are also countermeasures in place that allow remote bookkeeping businesses to completely ensure that no matter what, your data is as safe as possible, like a cyber insurance policy.

Offsite backups are also used to ensure that your data is secure virtually and physically, backing up your data on a data center and server that are both separate from the original.

Outsourced Bookkeeping

Outsourced bookkeeping businesses also offer a huge variety of services so you can get any and all of the financial services your business needs for a fraction of the price, making it easy to go about affording your bookkeeping.

You can get CPA (certified public accountant) services, like getting your reconciliations completed and checked, getting preparation for your taxes every year, getting your bills paid for you, and more. You can get financial reports sent to you; get irregularities in your bank account flagged, getting bankruptcy services, getting audit/forensic accounting, and more, all making life easier for your business.

It's easy to see how you can afford your bookkeeping; in fact, compared to in house bookkeepers and CPA's, you save tens of thousands of dollars on a yearly basis! In house bookkeepers can cost up to $43,000 a year, and CPA's and other accountants normally cost even more than that, meaning it costs you almost six figures to get just bookkeeping and accounting.

With remote bookkeeping, you can get bookkeeping, accounting, payroll services, and any other services your business needs at a low rate of $19,500 a year, saving you a huge amount of money.

The low price of remote bookkeeping is $3,600 a year, so it's easy to see how affording your bookkeeping can be easily accomplished through remote bookkeeping. To learn more about outsourcing your bookkeeping through companies like Remote Quality Bookkeeping™, click here.

The post How affording your Bookkeeping can be Easy appeared first on Cloud Bookkeeping Services|Remote Quality Bookkeeping.

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It's no secret that finances are considered one of the most important parts of anything, especially a business. After all, if you want your business to really be successful, you need to keep track of the amount of money you're earning versus spending so you can make good decisions for your business.

How can you decide whether or not to upgrade equipment, or whether it's a good time to tighten your budget, if you're not financially informed? Dealing with finances can be difficult however considering your business spends and earns money on a daily basis, and it's hard to know exactly how much money you have.

From invoices and utility bills to checks and bank transfers, businesses deal with quite a bit of money flow and they need a good way to keep track of all of those finances. That's where bookkeeping comes into play, strictly keeping track of every financial transaction your business makes, incoming and outgoing.

That way, businesses not only can see trends in how their spending and earning goes, but they also get to know their company's current net profit/loss at any given time. This data is extremely essential for the success of your business, as accountants use bookkeeping data to allocate any and all funds appropriately and help you determine whether you have funds to spare or you have to tighten your budget.

Financial allocation is very important in the overall growth of your business, but affording these financial services can be incredibly difficult considering both of those are financial services that cost full salaries. Looking at services like outsourced bookkeeping is very important, as remote bookkeeping businesses can save you money while providing you the best possible services with no real catches.

Process of Remote Bookkeeping

Hiring an outsourced bookkeeping business is simple and convenient for you as you get your pick of various services that are offered, making life easier for you. With an outsourced bookkeeping business, you get all of your information handled by a team of professionals who put all of the resultant data on a secure server that you can readily and easily access.

With outsourced bookkeeping, you get your fill of services as well, being offered much more than just the bookkeeping services. You can get accounting and payroll services as well, like getting your bills paid for you, getting preparation for your taxes, getting your reconciliations completed and checked, getting financial reports sent to you on a weekly/monthly basis, and more, all for your convenience.

You can even get some rarer services as well like bankruptcy services and audit/forensic accounting in case you'll ever need them, and all of these services are run down with you to add up to your very low quote. Once you get a quote, the outsourced bookkeeping company copies all of your data down and, in turn, gives you a file or multiple files.

For your convenience, these files give you direct access to the server pending some kind of password system, and you get to choose how many of them you want or where they go. You can restrict access to a work computer to keep your data safe, or you can make access as convenient for you as you'd like.

You can get access off a home computer, laptops, get an app for a smart phone or tablet, or even give an employee access pending their own security system. Once you set up services and access, the rest is up to the remote bookkeeping company, which completes services for you and gives you immediate, 24/7 access to your data which is constantly being updated.

Outsourced Bookkeeping with Cloud Security

There are many reasons to hire a remote bookkeeping business, but one of the bigger advantages is you get heavy security setup for your data and overall efficiency in the process. With outsourced bookkeeping with cloud services, your data is stored and transported efficiently without any loss of security.

The servers used by outsourced bookkeeping businesses are designed to keep your data as safe as possible, also upholding cyber security laws in the process.

Plus, outsourced bookkeeping businesses are so concerned with the security of your information that they create different countermeasures to ensure that even if the worst were to happen, your data will be kept safe, mainly through backups and a cyber insurance policies.

With an offsite backup, your data is protected virtually and physically as the backup is stored on a different data center that runs a different server from the original. Plus, many businesses will set up their outsourced bookkeeping with cloud as a form of backup as well.

Cloud is considered one of the oldest and most reputable forms of online storage, known for security and quick, efficient transportation.

Affording the Best Outsourced Bookkeeping with Cloud Business

Many business owners want that good outsourced bookkeeping with cloud but worry that when the time comes, they won't be able to afford the service. Luckily, remote bookkeeping is easily affordable, and actually saves you tens of thousands of dollars compared to most other services.

With outsourced bookkeeping with cloud, you save quite a bit of money while getting a full team of employees that offer you a wide range of services, quite a few more than you'll get through hiring in-house workers. An in-house bookkeeper can cost you up to $43,000 a year, and accountants will generally cost more, with some CPA's costing over $50,000 a year.

That means to hire a bookkeeper and an accountant for your business, you'll end up paying almost six figures, far more than smaller and even mid-sized businesses can afford! On the other hand, outsourced bookkeeping will cost you between $3,600 and $19,500 a year, depending on the range of services you get.

That means you can get bookkeeping, accounting, payroll services, and much more for half of what one in house bookkeeper would charge you! With remote bookkeeping, you can save quite a bit of money on a yearly basis while getting the best possible services and you can get the best outsourced bookkeeping with cloud business as well.

Remote Quality Bookkeeping™ of Bridgewater, Massachusetts offers you decades of experience through their outsourced bookkeeping with cloud experience. To learn more about outsourced bookkeeping with cloud through RQB, click here.

The post Why Should you get Outsourced Bookkeeping with Cloud? appeared first on Cloud Bookkeeping Services|Remote Quality Bookkeeping.

Everyone has some field they are experienced in, and eventually they reach that point where they would like to take their skills to the next level and run a company.

After all, it's one thing to be a high-ranking worker in your company, but it's quite another to completely control what direction you want to take your business in.

Running your own business means you get to determine your own success and build yourself a legacy, but the initial work with a business is another matter entirely. Starting your own business is incredibly challenging because you need to build up a good reputation as a business that can deliver, and do so while having the best financial setup possible.

Getting this setup can be another matter entirely considering all of the expenses companies have to deal with and the lack of capital they have to pay for them all. From the location you get and the utilities attached to the employees you hire, stock you acquire, equipment you purchase/lease, and more, businesses need so much in order to be successful, and they want the best quality possible.

That means allocating your finances by saving as much money as possible while still getting the best setup, so you can provide the best services while making a profit.

All of your finances tie back into financial services that you employ, which keep track of all of your spending and earnings and use that data to help you determine when and how much you can spend for your business.

However, getting financial services for your company can be another matter entirely, especially considering how much capital smaller and mid-sized businesses make.

Employing Financial Services for your Business

It is a complete necessity for businesses to get financial services, as they use these services to help them determine their day-to-day decisions. Every day, your business spends and earns quite a bit of money, and you need to know how much you have at any given time so that way you can decide on making smart decisions that are based on your finances.

For instance, say you're looking to upgrade equipment, or improve stock, and need the funds to do so; your financial services help you determine whether or not you can do that. Also, what if you're low on funds and need to tighten your budget so your business can not end up losing money?

Your company needs to know how much money they have at any given time, which is why both bookkeeping and accounting are necessary for the success of your business.

With bookkeeping, every transaction related to your business is recorded and added up so you have a final total of where your business is financially as far as profit or loss. From invoices and payroll to checks and utility bills, your company spends and earns quite a bit of money and all of that data is used by an accountant.

Accounting involves allocating all of your finances appropriately based on your bookkeeping, allowing you to get taxes done, pay bills, and make other financial decisions for your business. You need both of these services for your business to run appropriately, but affording them is another matter entirely.

Smaller and mid-sized businesses generally don't have the funds for these services, which is why companies are sometimes stuck trying to do their own bookkeeping.

Doing your own bookkeeping and running a business at the same time can be extremely challenging, which is why business owners oftentimes seek an alternative to getting their bookkeeping and other financial services taken care of.

Hiring an Outsourced Bookkeeping Service

Many businesses will seek out the alternative of hiring a remote bookkeeping business, not only because the outsourced bookkeeping rate is so much more manageable, but the service is also extremely convenient and beneficial for a business.

When outsourcing your bookkeeping, you get the ability to get any and all financial services you need at a reduced price in a very convenient way. All of your information is handled by a team of professionals, who complete any and all financial services you require and putting the data on a secure server that you can easily and readily access.

You can even choose how you get access, restricting access to your precious information to one work computer or setting it up so you can access your information using a smart phone, tablet, laptop, and more. With remote bookkeeping, you also get the convenience of both security and efficient workers completing any and all services that you request.

The server used is extremely secure as remote bookkeeping companies follow cyber security laws to ensure everything is in place, and they also use countermeasures as well to assure that nothing goes wrong with the security of your data.

They use cyber insurance policies, offsite backups, and even back up data on the cloud to ensure that no matter what happens, your data is safe. Plus, all employees hired have some previous experience with handling financial services and are cleared as far as security before they are hired.

All workers work together to complete tasks for you, so you always have multiple employees doing work for you at any given time.

Is the Outsourced Bookkeeping Rate Affordable?

For most business owners, as great as a service is the bottom line always ends up being the cost and whether you can afford a service or not. The same is the case with remote bookkeeping, as the outsourced bookkeeping rate is much more manageable for business owners while providing you a lot more as far as services.

With outsourced bookkeeping, you don't just get bookkeeping services; you also get accounting and payroll services, and any other financial services your business could possibly need. In house bookkeepers will generally cost up to $43,000 a year, and accountants will cost even more, with some CPA's costing over $50,000 a year.

This means you'd pay almost six figures just for financial services, a price many smaller and even mid-sized businesses cannot afford. The outsourced bookkeeping rate, on the other hand, will cost between $3,600 and $19,500 a year depending on what services you get, saving you tens of thousands of dollars a year!

With the outsourced bookkeeping rate, you get the best service at the best cost, making life easier for you when running your business. To learn more about how you can get the best outsourced bookkeeping rate through hiring companies like Remote Quality Bookkeeping™, click here.

The post How does the Outsourced Bookkeeping Rate save you Money? appeared first on Cloud Bookkeeping Services|Remote Quality Bookkeeping.

I have been fortunate to meet with over 3,000 businesses over the last ten years - from start-up restaurants with big dreams, to mature chains facing tough decisions. No matter what stage a company is in, payroll is constant; it is that big number that you have to hit 26 times a year.

These days, margins are getting pinched and cash flow is tighter.

Here a few reasons why using a service company may help you sleep better.

1. Peace of Mind - You are paying two important groups of people that frown upon mistakes - The IRS and your Employees. A service bureau takes full liability and responsibility for calculating, depositing, and filing all payroll taxes. If there is ever a payroll-related tax penalty or you get a love letter from the IRS, you are protected.

2. Back-up/Support - If you or your payroll clerk are out, sick, on vacation, etc. - you know you'll have an on-time, accurate payroll with no special arrangements. Also, by outsourcing, you're putting a tax and human resources expert on staff - protecting you from a broke government and a litigious society.

3. Cash Flow - By ACHing the funds for you directly to the IRS, you spread out your tax payments equally throughout the year. No surprises at quarter or year-end.

4. Time - Printing and signing checks, making multiple tax deposits, filing quarterlies, accurately preparing W-2's and other time-eaters. All non-revenue producing tasks - tangible hours that can instead go toward growing your business.

5. Other Features - Once the payroll engine is in place, you open up possibilities for direct deposit, time and attendance/POS integration, human resources assistance, pay-as-you-go workers compensation, archived electronic reports and pay-stubs and much more.

In the end, not only can you focus on what you do best, you can shift energy toward learning and embracing new revenue-producing tools such as social media, that brings money in, so you're ready for when it's time to send it back out.

Is Free Checking Ending?


Several years ago, the Federal Government had a good and thorough review of payroll cards.

And since now the Bank of America is getting rid of its free checking accounts because they cannot automatically debit the overdraft charges, it is worth looking at payroll cards again.

Payroll cards, a less costly alternative to paper payroll checks, allow employees to access their pay through various means, depending on the particular product. 

Wages are deposited to the payroll card account via direct deposit, and the employee uses the card to withdraw cash at an ATM or purchase goods and services. 

One of the distinguishing characteristics about bank-issued payroll cards is that they generally are not marketed directly to consumers. 

Instead, banks market the cards to employers, who, in turn, encourage their employees who do not use direct deposit to use a payroll card to receive their wages.

The payroll card is a particular type of stored value (or prepaid) card, a product that streamlines the payment process for purchases or cash withdrawals. A variety of stored value cards exist, including prepaid phone cards, mass transit cards, and prepaid debit cards.

Stored value cards operate in either "closed loop" or "open loop" systems. In the closed loop system, an issuer provides a card that can be used only for its products or at a finite number of merchant locations. 

Mass transit fare cards and college-issued cards that can be used at cafeterias, bookstores, and other campus venues typically have closed-loop systems. In an "open loop" system, cards are accepted beyond the issuer's locations through a more universal network for PIN-based (e.g., STAR) or signature-based (e.g., Visa, MasterCard) transactions. 

Payroll cards use an open loop system, and should probably find there way into most franchisee operator's payroll tools.

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