Building Good Will

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Now that the economy is starting to revive, it's more important than ever to create goodwill with customers.

This will help you stand out from the competition and strengthen brand loyalty. Studies have shown that promotional products are a very effective way to increase customer goodwill.

Here are some ways you can use promotional products to build a more positive attitude about your company:

• As thanks for repeat business or referrals. A restaurant, for example, can make customers happy (and gain free brand exposure) by giving valued customers t-shirts, hoodies and hats.

A high-visibility item like a desk clock or calendar is a good way to say thanks for referrals.

• As a sales leave-behind.

After your meetings, leave an item related to the solution you offer. One company uses calculators to help add up the increased sales they can bring in; another provides memo boards to record the creative ideas they will provide.

• To show support for social causes. Many customers look for businesses that support local, social or environmental causes. If your company sponsors a team or a cause, promote it with silicone wristbands or lapel pins.

• In direct mail campaigns. Boost open rates by including an item like a highlighter set or ruler.

Increase response by offering a gift such as a wireless mouse or business card holder.

• To win back inactive customers. Get them thinking about you again with a gift such as a plant in a logo'd container or a box of chocolates.

Contact us for more ideas on building a positive image of your company!



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Xerox has found that promotional products can increase response to its direct mail campaigns by 5% to 15%. So when the company wanted to highlight the high return on investment one of its products can provide, it included a boomerang in the mailing.

The boomerangs were personalized with stickers printed with the recipient's name, company and state, making them even more attention grabbing. Prospects who signed up for a sales meeting were entered into a drawing for a trip to Australia, further reinforcing the "return" theme of the boomerangs.

We can help you design an entertaining campaign that will keep your message top of mind with prospects. Just give us a call!

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