March 2015 Archives

The International Franchise Association's (IFA) third annual California "Franchising Day" is set for March 11, 2015. The goal of Franchising Day is to inform California legislators about some of the key issues affecting the franchise industry.

This year, the IFA's Franchising Day will "feature meetings with legislators and staff, allowing members of the franchise community to meet directly with lawmakers to discuss the benefits of franchising in California, as well as the legislative issues facing their businesses."

One of the key legislative issues facing franchisors in California is the state's law on negotiated franchise sales.

As described in my previous posts here and here, the law -- intended to help California franchisees to give them an advantage during negotiations with their franchisors -- actually hurts franchisees in the state because many franchisors would rather refuse to negotiate completely than comply with the law, which franchisors view as burdensome.

If you are attending Franchising Day, this law should be an important topic of discussion.

If you are interested in attending Franchising Day, the IFA has asked you to e-mail Erica Farage at [email protected].

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