July 2013 Archives

Franchising is an industry over 150 years old that has grown into a solid foundation powering the American economy.

As a way to pay homage to the innovators that have taken it to this level, and building on the recent momentum of Small Business Week and the International Franchise Expo,

Empowerkit has launched an interactive websites called "Franchising Pioneers".

On this website, visitors will be able to go through 50 of the top movers and shakers in the industry, read about their contribution to franchising and vote for their favorite one!

Visitors can become inspired reading out each pioneer, and the voting helps to make the experience more interactive and engaging.

Franchising is a $2 trillion industry, and one of the largest drivers of job growth and economic output.

These pioneers are the people to thank for that.

The 10 pioneers that receive the most votes will be featured in an upcoming series that will take a more in-depth look at their contribution to franchising. All voters will be delivered a free printed copy of this series.

To vote, go to www.empowerkit.com/pioneers and get your favorite pioneer one step closer to the finish line.


Voting will close on July 31st. The next day, August 1st, Empowerkit will announce the winners and start developing the series.


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