m2M Strategies

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There are 5 types of problems all franchise marketing systems have: adoption, results, compliance, integration or data.

And we can help with some or all of these problems.

Because we have helped franchisors just like you before.

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1. Have do you know have a marketing adoption problem?

Do less than 70% of your franchisees fully participate in your corporate approved local marketing programs?

Do you lack detailed reporting on which marketing programs each franchisee uses and the extent to which they use them?

Do you get more franchisee complaints than compliments about your marketing programs?

If you answered "yes" to any of these question, you have an "adoption" problem.

A. Why Adoption Matters.

Limited adoption means less local marketing.

Less local marketing means fewer customers. Fewer customers means lower revenues.

And lower revenues mean unhappy franchisees.

But that’s not all.

Limited adoption also restricts the data that franchisors have to measure marketing effectiveness, which forces them to manage their marketing in the dark and undermines their ability to drive continuous improvement.

B. But, m2M Guarantees Increased Adoption.

m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System follows a proven process that quickly increases franchisee adoption of local marketing programs.

Our clients see rapid franchisee adoption and an immediate increase in satisfaction with their local marketing activities.

If you have a problem with adoption, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will fix it. Click here for our Hyper-local marketing: Making it Pay Off

2. Do you have a marketing results problem?

Are your franchisees unhappy with the ROI (return on investment) they get from their local marketing spend?

Do your franchisees get less than 62% ROI on their overall local marketing spend?

Do you and your franchisees lack detailed ROI reporting for every marketing tactic?

If you answered "yes" to any of these question, you have a "results" problem.

A. Why Results Matter.

This one is pretty easy. No one wants to spend money on marketing that’s ineffective.

The question is, do you have the data to tell you what’s working and what’s not?

The old adage, “50% of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which 50%” might be good marketing, but it’s not good business.

B. But m2M Guarantees to Improve Results.

m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System gives franchisors and franchisees insight into the effectiveness of every dollar spent on marketing.

Not just tracking clicks or responses, but real ROI that compares dollars spent to revenue generated.

Unique insight like that, combined with best practice consulting, is how m2M guarantees their Franchise Marketing System will improve the results of your local marketing.

If you have a problem with results, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will fix it. Click here for our Hyper-local marketing: Making it Pay Off

3. Do you have a marketing compliance problem?

Do your franchisees fail to meet their required local marketing spend?

Do you lack reporting on how your franchisees spend their local marketing dollars?

Do your franchisees say they are less than full satisfied with the marketing materials and campaigns you provide to them?

If you answered "yes" to any of these question, you have a "compliance" problem.

A. Why Compliance Matters.

Most franchisees hate the word “compliance.”

They believe it’s simply franchisor-speak for “do it my way or else!”.

That’s especially true when it comes to local marketing.

But local marketing compliance is critical to growing a franchise brand. Without effective corporate sponsored local marketing programs, local marketing all but disappears and, when it does appear, serves to undermine the national brand.

B. But, m2M Guarantees Improved Compliance.

m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System follows a proven process to quickly gain franchisee buy-in and compliance on local marketing programs.

Whether you need transparency on franchisee local marketing spend or to rein in rogue marketing campaigns and materials, m2M guarantees our Franchise Marketing System will get it done.

If you have a problem with compliance, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will fix it. Click here for our Hyper-local marketing: Making it Pay Off

4. Do you have a marketing integration problem?

Do your franchisees have to use multiple systems to execute local marketing programs?

Do your local marketing programs fail to interact with each other providing a less than consistent view of a customer?

Does your marketing system fail to use customer purchase behavior to trigger personalized marketing?

If you answered "yes" to any of these question, you have a "marketing integration" problem.

A. Why Integration Matters.

Marketing is complex, and so are the systems companies use to manage it.

That’s why franchisees get so frustrated when they have to learn several systems - not to mention remember multiple logins - just to execute basic marketing programs.

Not only is the “multiple system solution” frustrating, but it leads many franchisees to simply stop marketing.

B. But, m2M Guarantees to Deliver Marketing Integration.

m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System consolidates all of your marketing systems into a single solution - with a single login.

Regardless of the number of marketing systems you’re using today, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System can deliver a single, easy-to-use system that gives you a unified view of your customer and allows for effective one to one marketing.

If you have a problem with marketing integration, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will fix it. Click here for our Hyper-local marketing: Making it Pay Off

5. Do you have a marketing data problem?

Do you have customer and/or prospect marketing data organized across multiple systems?

Does your marketing reporting lack important business metrics that show results beyond vanity metrics like traffic, likes and clicks? (like revenue from customers you marketed to)

Do you design your local marketing programs without sufficient knowledge of how each tactic is performing against key performance indicators?

If you answered "yes" to any of these question, you have a "marketing data" problem.

A. Why Data Matters.

Good decisions depend on data.

Without it, you’re simply guessing. That’s true in every area of a business, including marketing.

The more data you have about each piece of your marketing program, the easier it is to continuously improve your marketing - and uncover revenue you might be missing.

Data is also the key to personalizing your marketing to each customer to get them the information they want when they’re most likely to buy.

B. And, m2M Guarantees to Deliver Data.

m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System organizes all of your marketing data from disparate operational silos into a single system that not only triggers truly personalized marketing but also provides a 360° view of your marketing results.

If you aren’t fully utilizing your marketing data, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will get you there.

If you have a problem with obtaining marketing data, we guarantee our Franchise Marketing System will fix it. Click here for our Hyper-local marketing: Making it Pay Off