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NFA Website

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Website Grade for NFA, by Hubspot
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The Burger King franchisee association, called the National Franchisee Association, has been fighting with the BK franchisor about the appropriateness of being mandated to sell loss leaders.

There are a number of interesting legal, marketing, and practical issues behind this dispute.

But how is the NFA communicating to the public a savvy view of their dispute?  

The answer is they are not: nothing appears on their website, which Hubspot only gives a grade of 74/100.  Do we presume that behind the closed paywall, the NFA is doing a bang up job of explaining the litigation to their franchisees?  How does a franchisee explain to the public that they cannot afford to sell the $1 double?  Who is helping them with their communication problem?

There is no doubt that at the top level of the NFA there are smart, experienced, and thoughtful business leaders.  But it appears from their website that they they don't believe  it is their job to market their message to public.

Given the recent change of control at BK, the franchisees are going to need a more sophisticated communication channel from the NFA, especially as those renewals come  up.  Is the NFA leadership up to this challenge, I wonder?

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