David Gould is one of our franchise sales experts on our upcoming round-table discussion on franchising. Get a preview of what he'll be saying about franchise sales in his article -
Franchisors: Why the Best Candidates Don't Buy Your Franchise & One Smart Fix
If you want to Learn How to Dramatically Improve Your Franchise Sales Process http://bit.ly/ZStilj register to attend CAFA on May 21st at the Columbia Country Club, Chevy Chase, MD
Whether you're a new franchise or seasoned franchise sales leader this event is for you.
If participating in this Round-table event sells you only one extra franchise this year it will be worth your time and attention.
1. Is your franchise sales process producing the results you want?
2. Do you have the right 7 steps in your franchise sales process?
3. Do you know the 3 questions all franchise candidates ask?
4. Are you engaging effectively with qualified candidates from start to finish?
5. Is your sales approach right for your concept, sales team and target profiles?
Register online and reserve your seat - http://cafafranchise.org/meeting-schedule/26
See you at CAFA!
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