*How To Excel as Preferred Vendor

The Franchise-Info content marketing program provides you with competitive intelligence on what your prospects or leads are reading.

An educated prospect is closer to being a customer. An educated customer is closer to seeing you as a friend and loyal adviser.

Do you need to know more and can we get started right way, moving you closer to being loyal adviser?

Here are the 6 and 1/2 steps to we will follow, when you become an Franchise-Info Key Partner.


1.  Find the appropriate article that will educate some, but not all, people on your prospect list.  We are looking for evergreen articles, and not news.  We are also looking for authorities. A good place to look is for authorities is who is publishing what in your industry trade magazine.

Here is a good example from the American Laundry News, about linen, lint and surgical towels.

We, that is you and I, would contact this author together to see if we could get a similar post on the Franchise-Info website to put in our newsletter.

2.  Next you ask, who should have the above information from your prospects?   How would iut help you sell to them, if they read this article?

Select a list from your list of lists, or databases.  You are going to organize your contacts into groups of similar buyers.   Then we will tag each group with 1 of the 5 top articles we to market to them.  Don't worry about spreadsheets and databases right now, a simple list and two by two table will do.

So, for example, the above article should be targeted your hospital contacts with the surgical towel as the intended article for sale.

The Franchise-Info will also provide this article to the appropriate lists, in consultation with you.  The article would be posted on the Franchise-Info website as per our agreement with the author,  with the call to action at the bottom of the article to your landing page.

3.  (Optional - case of copyright problems.  We suggest that the author make additions that would target our audience )

4. Give us a display ad, a skyscraper for the site and a headline for the email newsletter.

Measure Interest

5.  We run the article through the Franchise-Info newsletter and collect two types of analytics.  This shows us who read what article, for how long, and from what city.  There are two typse of people - from your list, Xes, and from our list Yes.

6.  Now, we can simply add to your list that Person X read Article Y, so that when you make your outbound call, you can find out what questions or concerns that the article may raised or solved, as long as Person X came from your list.  If Person Y read the article, we will ask Y if they want to join your list.  And if they do, you have a new prospect also.  In any event, you know more about what your prosepcts find interesting and authoritative.

An educated prospect is closer to being a customer. An educated customer is closer to seeing you as a friend and loyal adviser.

Make the Call

 7.  Rinse, repeat.  And then call educated prospects and sell.

 Have I left anything out?  Or do you have further questions?

Let's Get Started Now - You Deserve to be More Educated Customers
If your new client is worth more than $654, or $327/year, to you, and have the patience  to market for 2 years, with 8 short stories, or 1 stories a quarter,  then can we invoice you for a two year subsciption to the Franchise-Info's content marketing program -$29.95 per month or a savings with a 2 year subscription $327/year?  You also get a full modern website, a directory listing, so you can publish as many articles as you like. 
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